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Why you should add Robotic Vacuums to your shopping list this Spring

Spring cleaning feels inevitable, as we shed the colder months for a warmer breeze and begin anew. With that being said, the growing popularity of the ‘smart home’ has led many to seek out new and inventive ways to stay on top of everyday household activities. While vacuuming isn’t necessarily the most exciting activity when it comes to cleaning, the robot vacuum can provide some useful assistance around the house, keeping the floors clean on a regular basis, without you ever having to lift a finger.

Regarding technology and appliances in general, it’s no secret that JB Hi-Fi has been providing customers with the latest products for years. That being said, we’ve got a list of reasons why robotic vacuums are worth adding to your shopping list this Spring, all of which are available at JB Hi-Fi – either at your local store or online.

1. Clean Away From Home

While vacuuming might take up some time in the weekly schedule, there’s no denying that our busy lifestyles can make this dedicated task a little tricky to tick off each and every week. Thankfully, the entire range of robotic vacuums on offer connect to your local Wi-Fi network, and in turn, can be activated by a dedicated app for each brand, that can be used to schedule and assign tasks to your trusty vacuum, even when you’re not home.

Be it an entry-level model like the ECOVACS Deebot U2 Floor Cleaning Robot, or a premium model like the Roborock S8 Pro Ultra Robotic Vacuum & Mop Cleaner with Auto-Emptying Dock, you’ll be able to come home to a clean floor practically every single day.

2. They Clean Multiple Surfaces

While the differences between certain brands and models deviate from this point on, certain models will in fact clean multiple surfaces. It’s the case for most houses, but who wouldn’t want a single robotic vacuum to clean up the mess on hardwood floors, tiles and even carpets?

The entry-level Trifo Emma Essential Robot Vacuum can handle hardwood floors and low-pile carpets with ease, while the JB Hi-Fi exclusive model, the eufy RoboVac X8 Hybrid, can even mop up hard floor surfaces for example, as a 2-in-1 hybrid option.

3. They’ll Suit Almost Any Home

Worried that robotic vacuums aren’t made for your home? Are stairs and tight spaces the issue? Well, worry no more, as robotic vacuums are equipped with tracking functions, meaning users can allocate specific paths and rooms to clean via each brand’s dedicated smart app while programming it to avoid obstacles like precious decor and danger zones like stairs for example.

Most will even detect those obstacles in the way without your programming, meaning toys left on the living room floor won’t be a problem for your robotic vacuum.

4. Get Rid of Those Wires

While the prominence of stick vacuums and wireless options is certainly increasing, you can in fact take things one step further. Robotic vacuums come included with dedicated charging stations, which the robotic vacuum can return to after each clean. While entry-level options will only return to recharge, they must be manually emptied when full.

However, higher-end options like the iRobot Roomba Combo i5+ Robot Vacuum & Mop come outfitted with a dedicated charging and cleaning dock, meaning your robotic vacuum will automatically empty its contents into the station, leaving it empty and ready for another cleaning run.

5. They’re Perfect for Users Who are Unable to Manually Vacuum

Vacuuming might not be the most strenuous task out there, but it can also be quite demanding for some. For example, those with injuries and disabilities can take advantage of the automated functionality, while keeping their floors clean. Models like the iRobot Roomba i3+ Robot Vacuum come with the aforementioned auto-emptying dock and even work with smart home products like the Google Nest Hub and Google Nest Mini, to be activated via voice commands. All it takes is an active Wi-Fi connection and you’re good to go.

Given robot vacuums cover a wide range of prices and features, there’s practically an option out there for every user. You can find the full range available on the JB Hi-Fi website or at your local store.

Matthew Arcari

Matthew Arcari is the games and technology editor at The AU Review. You can find him on Twitter at @sirchunkee, or at the Dagobah System, chilling with Luke and Yoda.