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PlayStation’s accessibility controller now has a name

Initially revealed at CES this year as “Project Leonardo”, this latest PlayStation peripheral has found an official name; the Access Controller. Ahead of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, Sony has revealed an additional list of included features, highlighting how this new controller will propel general audience inclusivity to new heights in 2023 and beyond.

The flat, disc-shaped controller will feature an attached joystick on the side, which can be turned in any direction to suit the position of players. Each button on the controller can also be customised and re-assigned thanks to a new look at the Access Controller UI. It will also allow players to pair up to two Access controllers and one DualSense controller, which can be used together as a single virtual controller.

Players can also assign multiple commands to a single button via a dedicated toggle, which allows players to access a secondary set of controls on the fly. The controller also provides four 3.5mm AUX ports, in which players can utilise their own switches, buttons and even analogue sticks.

While no word has been given on the release of pricing of the Access Controller, it’s great to see Sony jumping on board with newer accessibility options for gamers. While Xbox has seen success with their Adaptive Controller, many popular PlayStation exclusives like Horizon: Forbidden West and God of War: Ragnarok paved the way for those options and adjustments in-game.

Given the timing of such news, there may be a possibility that this will return in PlayStation’s hour-long showcase next week. Stay tuned for more news as it breaks.

Matthew Arcari

Matthew Arcari is the games and technology editor at The AU Review. You can find him on Twitter at @sirchunkee, or at the Dagobah System, chilling with Luke and Yoda.